#DAY 26 - WHY?!


I am almost 40. Though I feel my life is just starting! It's like I am on the road that goes on to the Infinite... Some sun, some shadows and some clouds... But so much peace and so quiet.. I dont see the end of it, but it is a pleasure to be on the way...

I feel just like many years ago, when I started to learn for med school. After I learned by heart so many information about bones and organs and blood and whatever it was in that book, at one moment something happened. A Click. A WOW moment. A moment when I suddenly understood the connections between all of those I was learning about!

Wow!! What a feeling! I wonder if I became dependent of these WOW moments. Every single time I have a breakthrough it is like I am borned again.

It is today the 26 th day since I got out of a relationship.  I don't have any idea why I am counting the days and why I even started.
A 7 years relationship. A cage that I built myself. A relationship that I took a lot from in the first 1 year and a half and learned so much about me in the rest 5 and a half. A relationship that, somehow, I couldnt get out from.
It is said that the worst relationships in life bring out the most knowledge about yourself and they are the best ground for evolution. Well, beleive or not, it was. I was struggling to understand why I cant get out of it... Why?! Why?! Why?!

Then I learned that WHY is not a good question. And supposing I know why, what is the next step? How is it changing the curent situation? Is it helping me to get out of it? Well, no.
But you know what, the moment I gave up at this question, WHY?, was the moment I got the answer.
That moment is now. I needed all that struggle to evolve, to be a better version of myself, to see more clearly what I really want, what I need, who I am.
I needed that to be able to paint the picture of my life. You cannot attract what you want if you dont know what that is. The evolution started with struggle. At least for me.

I am where I am today because of it. I am a better version of me because of it. I realized some time ago, during these years, in my struggle, that what I need the most in my life is Freedom and Peace.

And somebody came today and told me " You said to me that you ask yourself what am I here to bring you. What is the reason for I appeared in your life. I came to bring you Freedom and Peace."

Thank you...


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